New Comics Titles For This Week December 14, 2016
This is a list of all the new comics being released by Diamond Distributing Wednesday December 14, 2016. You can order these comics through our
back issue
website today, and we will fulfill your order beginning at the crack of dawn Wednesday.
If you would like to advance order new comics from us at discounts ranging from 10%-40% off of cover price, please write Mario or James in our
new comics subscription department.
They can be reached at,
or you can call them at 303-455-2659 (weekdays 9-5), for information on how to easily subscribe to any upcoming comics, magazines, and/or books. We ship over one million dollars each year in discounted new comics subscriptions to avid comics fans all around the world!
Happy Collecting!
Chuck Rozanski,
President - Mile High Comics, Inc.
December 11, 2016
New Comics - December 14, 2016

Comic Book History of Comics #2

DC Rebirth Holiday Special #1

Hawkeye (Marvel Now) #1

Hillbilly #4

Shadows on the Grave #1

Spawn #268 A McFarlane
Agents of Shield Volume 2: Under New Management TPB (2016) #1
All-New X-Men (2015) #16
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) (Marvel Now) #2
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) (Marvel Now) #2 Campbell
Daredevil (2015) (#1-Up) (Marvel) #14
Dark Tower: Drawing of the Three - Sailor (2016) #3
Deadpool: Back in Black (2016) #5
Deadpool: Back in Black (2016) #5 Lim
Doctor Strange/Punisher: Magic Bullets (2016) #1
Doctor Strange/Punisher: Magic Bullets (2016) #1 Maleev
Foolkiller (2016) (#1-Up) (Marvel Now) #2
Foolkiller (2016) (#1-Up) (Marvel Now) #2 Deodato
Foolkiller (2016) (#1-Up) (Marvel Now) #2 Perkins
Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) #15
Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) #15 A Adams
Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) #15 Animation
Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) #15 Asrar
Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) #15 Bendis
Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) #15 Stevens
Guardians of the Galaxy (2015) #15 Ward
Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 1: Emperor Quill TPB (2016) #1
Gwenpool Holiday Special: Merry Mix Up (2016) #1
Gwenpool Holiday Special: Merry Mix Up (2016) #1 Henderson
Gwenpool Holiday Special: Merry Mix Up (2016) #1 Lim
Gwenpool Holiday Special: Merry Mix Up (2016) #1 Zdarsky
Hawkeye (2016) (#1-Up) (Marvel Now) #1
Hawkeye (2016) (#1-Up) (Marvel Now) #1 Aja
Hawkeye (2016) (#1-Up) (Marvel Now) #1 Blank Cover
Hawkeye (2016) (#1-Up) (Marvel Now) #1 Hip Hop
Hawkeye (2016) (#1-Up) (Marvel Now) #1 McKone
Hawkeye (2016) (#1-Up) (Marvel Now) #1 Romero
Hawkeye (2016) (#1-Up) (Marvel Now) #1 Sauvage
IvX (Inhumans vs. X-Men) (2016) #1
IvX (Inhumans vs. X-Men) (2016) #1 Blank Cover
IvX (Inhumans vs. X-Men) (2016) #1 Cho
IvX (Inhumans vs. X-Men) (2016) #1 Figure Variant
IvX (Inhumans vs. X-Men) (2016) #1 Hip Hop
IvX (Inhumans vs. X-Men) (2016) #1 Inhumans
IvX (Inhumans vs. X-Men) (2016) #1 Premiere
IvX (Inhumans vs. X-Men) (2016) #1 Rocafort
IvX (Inhumans vs. X-Men) (2016) #1 X-Men
IvX (Inhumans vs. X-Men) (2016) #1 Zdarsky
IvX (Inhumans vs. X-Men) (2016) #1 Zdarsky B&W
Jessica Jones (Marvel Now) (2016) #3
Jessica Jones (Marvel Now) (2016) #3 Chang
Jessica Jones (Marvel Now) (2016) #3 Hans
Jessica Jones (Marvel Now) (2016) #3 McKone
Marvel Calendar #2017
Marvel Masterworks New Edition: Spider-Man (2002) #18
Marvel Masterworks New Edition: Spider-Man (2002) #18 Deluxe
Marvel Universe Avengers - Ultron Revolution (2016) #6
Mosaic (2016) (#1-Up) (Marvel Now) #3
Mosaic (2016) (#1-Up) (Marvel Now) #3 Chin
Mosaic (2016) (#1-Up) (Marvel Now) #3 Del Mundo
Ms. Marvel Volume 6: Civil War II TPB (2016) #1
Old Man Logan (2016) #15
Power Man & Iron Fist (2016) (#1-Up)(Marvel)(Luke Cage) #11
Punisher Max: Complete Collection TPB (2016) #4
Silk (November) (2015) #15
Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (2016) #10
Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (2016) #10 Ferry
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (2016) #9
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (2016) #9 Hawthorne
Totally Awesome Hulk (2015) #13
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (October) (2015) #15
Uncanny Avengers (December) (2015) #17
Uncanny Inhumans Volume 3: Civil War II TPB (2016) #1
Web Warriors Volume 2: Spiders vs TPB (2016) #1
X-Men: Inferno Crossovers TPB (2016) #1
DC Comics
Action Comics (2016) (#957-Up) (DC Rebirth) #969
Action Comics (2016) (#957-Up) (DC Rebirth) #969 Variant
Art Ops Volume 2: Popism TPB (2016) #1
Batgirl & The Birds of Prey (DC Rebirth) (2016) #5
Batgirl & The Birds of Prey (DC Rebirth) (2016) #5 Variant
Batman & Robin Adventures TPB (2016) #1
Batman '66 Meets Steed & Mrs. Peel (2016) #6
Batman Volume 9: Bloom TPB (2016) #1
Batman Volume 10: Epilogue HC (2016) #1
Clean Room (2015) #14
Dark Knight Returns: Last Crusade HC (2016) #1
DC Comics Bombshells (2015) #20
DC Rebirth Holiday Special (2016) #1
Deathstroke (2016) (#1-Up) (DC Rebirth) #8
Deathstroke (2016) (#1-Up) (DC Rebirth) #8 Variant
Deathstroke Volume 4: Family Business TPB (2016) #1
Detective Comics (2016) (#934-Up) (DC Rebirth) #946
Detective Comics (2016) (#934-Up) (DC Rebirth) #946 Variant
Earth 2: Society (2015) #19
Flash (2016) (#1-Up) (DC Rebirth) #12
Flash (2016) (#1-Up) (DC Rebirth) #12 Variant
Gotham Academy: Second Semester (2016) #4
Hal Jordan & The Green Lantern Corps (DC Rebirth) (2016) #10
Hal Jordan & The Green Lantern Corps (DC Rebirth) (2016) #10 Variant
Injustice: Ground Zero (2016) #1
Injustice: Ground Zero (2016) #1 Variant
Justice League of America: Silver Age TPB (2016) #2
Lost Boys (2016) #3
Martian Manhunter Volume 2: The Red Rising TPB (2016) #1
New Super Man (DC Rebirth) (2016) #6
New Super Man (DC Rebirth) (2016) #6 Variant
Raven (2016) #2 2nd Print
Red Hood & The Outlaws (2016) (#1-Up) (DC Rebrith) #5
Red Hood & The Outlaws (2016) (#1-Up) (DC Rebrith) #5 Variant
Red Thorn (2015) #13
Scooby Apocalypse (2016) #8
Scooby Apocalypse (2016) #8 Variant
Scooby Doo, Where Are You (2010) #76
Suicide Squad (2016) (#1-Up) (DC Rebirth) #8
Suicide Squad (2016) (#1-Up) (DC Rebirth) #8 Variant
Supergirl (2016) (#1-Up) (DC Rebirth) #4
Supergirl (2016) (#1-Up) (DC Rebirth) #4 Variant
Superman (2016) (#1-Up) (DC Rebirth) #10 2nd Print
Superman: Golden Age Omnibus HC (2013) #3
Superwoman (DC Rebirth) (2016) #5
Superwoman (DC Rebirth) (2016) #5 Variant
Unwritten HC (2016) #1
Wonder Woman (2016) (#1-Up) (DC Rebirth) #12
Wonder Woman (2016) (#1-Up) (DC Rebirth) #12 Variant
Dark Horse Comics
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 TPB (2014) #6
Chimichanga: Sorrow of the World's Worst Face (2016) #3
New Lone Wolf & Cub TPB (2014) #11
Resident Alien: Man with No Name (2016) #4
Shadows on the Grave (2016) #1
Strain: Mr. Quinlan, Vampire Hunter (2016) #4
Image Comics
3 Floyds: Alpha King (2016) #3
Birthright Volume 4: Family History TPB (2016) #1
Descender (2015) #17
Descender Volume 3: Singularities TPB (2016) #1
Drifter (Image) (2014) #15 A Klein
Drifter (Image) (2014) #15 B Rubin
Fuse (2014) #24
Green Valley (2016) #2 2nd Print
Green Valley (2016) #3
Hadrian's Wall (2016) #4
Mayday (2016) #2
Midnight of the Soul TPB (2016) #1
Moonshine (2016) #2 2nd Print
Moonshine (2016) #3 A Risso
Moonshine (2016) #3 B Jock
No Mercy (2015) #12
Postal TPB (2015) #4
Reborn (2016) #1 3rd Print
Reborn (2016) #2 2nd Print
Reborn (2016) #3 A Capullo
Reborn (2016) #3 B Capullo B&W
Reborn (2016) #3 C Capullo
Reborn (2016) #3 D Garner
Rockstars (2016) #1
Rumble Volume 3: Immortal Coil TPB (2016) #1
Spawn (1992) #268 A McFarlane
Independent Publishers
Abstract Studio
Motor Girl (2016) #2
AC Comics
Golden Age Men of Mystery #102
Action Lab Entertainment
Brigands (2016) #2
Miraculous (2016) #8 A
Miraculous (2016) #8 B
After-Shock Comics
Black Eyed Kids (2016) #9
Captain Kid (2016) #3
Albatross Exploding Funny Book
Hillbilly (2016) #4
Alternative Press
Sun Bakery (2016) #4
Amdale Media LLC
Comic Fandom Quarterly (2015) #8
American Gothic Press
Lost in Space (Irwin Allen) (2016) #6 A McEvoy
Lost in Space (Irwin Allen) (2016) #6 B Photo
American Mythology
Three Stooges: Merry Stoogemas (2016) #1 B&W Photo
Three Stooges: Merry Stoogemas (2016) #1 Blank Cover
Three Stooges: Merry Stoogemas (2016) #1 Larocque
Three Stooges: Merry Stoogemas (2016) #1 Photo
Three Stooges: Merry Stoogemas (2016) #1 Wheatley
Amigo Comics
Tales from the Suicide Forest (2016) #1
Amryl Entertainment
Cavewoman: Ankha's Revenge (2016) #2 A Massey
Cavewoman: Ankha's Revenge (2016) #2 B Massey
Cavewoman: Ankha's Revenge (2016) #2 C Massey Nude
Cavewoman: Ankha's Revenge (2016) #2 D Root
Cavewoman: Ankha's Revenge (2016) #2 E Root Nude
Cavewoman: Ankha's Revenge (2016) #2 F Valentin
Cavewoman: Ankha's Revenge (2016) #2 Moore
Antarctic Press
Blade Bunny (Volume 2) (2016) #3
Archie Comics
Betty and Veronica Annual Digest (Ongoing Series) (1980) #252
Betty and Veronica Double Digest (1987) #249
Sonic Boom Volume 2: Boom Shaka Laka TPB (2016) #1
Sonic Universe (2009) #93 Variant
Sonic Universe (2009) #93
War Stories (2014) #21
War Stories (2014) #21 Battle
War Stories (2014) #21 Good Girl
War Stories (2014) #21 Wraparound
Black Mask
Black (2016) #3
Black (2016) #3 Uncensored
Kim & Kim (2016) #1 2nd Print
Young Terrorists (2015) #2
Bongo Comics
Simpsons Comics Explosion (2014) #3
Simpsons Comics: Knockout TPB (2016) #1
Boom Studios Publishing
Adventure Time: Ice King TPB (2016) #1
Bee & Puppycat TPB (2015) #3
Mega Princess (2016) #2
Namesake (2016) #2
Power Rangers: Pink (2016) #5
Power Rangers: Pink (2016) #5 Reinwand
Power Rangers: Pink (2016) #5 Wu
Sirens (George Perez) (2014) #6 A Perez
Sirens (George Perez) (2014) #6 B Spotligh
Sirens (George Perez) (2014) #6 C Pencils
Sirens (George Perez) (2014) #6 D Pencils
Sons of Anarchy: Redwood Original (2016) #5
Sons of Anarchy: Redwood Original (2016) #5 Subscript
Spire TPB (2016) #1
Steven Universe Special (2016) #1
Steven Universe Special (2016) #1 Jones
Chapter House Publishing Inc
Die Kitty Die (2016) #3 A Ruiz
Die Kitty Die (2016) #3 B Parent
Pitiful Human Lizard (2015) #11 A Loo
Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
Cbldf Defender (2015) #8
Danger Zone
Zombie Tramp (2014) #30 A Mendoza
Zombie Tramp (2014) #30 B Mendoris
Zombie Tramp (2014) #30 C Celor
Zombie Tramp (2014) #30 D Celorris
Zombie Tramp (2014) #30 E Fischer
Zombie Tramp (2014) #30 F Fischris
Zombie Tramp Volume 9: Skanks, Shanks, & Shackles TPB (2016) #1
DYNAMITE Entertainment
Army of Darkness/Xena: Forever & A Day (2016) #3 A Bradshaw
Army of Darkness/Xena: Forever & A Day (2016) #3 B Bradshaw B&W
Battlestar Galactica (Volume 3) (2016) #5 A Sanchez
Battlestar Galactica (Volume 3) (2016) #5 B Adams
Battlestar Galactica (Volume 3) (2016) #5 C Sanchez B&W
Betty Boop (2016) #3 A Langridg
Betty Boop (2016) #3 B Bone
Betty Boop (2016) #3 C Bone B&W
Homies (2016) #3 A Huerta
Homies (2016) #3 B Huerta B&W
James Bond: Hammerhead (2016) #3
Lords of the Jungle TPB (2016) #1
Red Sonja (2017) (#0-Up) (Dynamite) #0 A Bradshaw
Red Sonja (2017) (#0-Up) (Dynamite) #0 B Peterson
Red Sonja (2017) (#0-Up) (Dynamite) #0 C Campbell
Eaglemoss Publications Ltd
Marvel Chess Figure Collection Magazine (2013) #88
Marvel Chess Figure Collection Magazine (2013) #89
Marvel Chess Figure Collection Magazine (2013) #90
Marvel Chess Figure Collection Magazine (2013) #91
Marvel Fact Files (2013) #143
Marvel Fact Files (2013) #144
Marvel Fact Files (2013) #145
Marvel Fact Files (2013) #146
Marvel Fact Files (2013) #147
Marvel Fact Files (2013) #148
Marvel Fact Files (2013) #149
Marvel Fact Files (2013) #150
Star Trek Starships Magazine (2013) #81
Art & Beauty (Robert Crumb) (Fantagraphics) (Adult) (1996) #3
Mickey Mouse Volume10: Planet Faceless Foes HC (2016) #1
Firefly Books Ltd
Night of the Living Dead Volume 1: Sins of the Father HC (2016) #1
FPG Publishing
Goliath Storybook HC (Mike Ploog) (2016) #1
High Speed Productions
Juxtapoz Quarterly #192
IDW Publishing
Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures (TMNT) (2016) #2
Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures (TMNT) (2016) #2 Incentive
Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures (TMNT) (2016) #2 Subscript A
Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures (TMNT) (2016) #2 Subscript B
Comic Book History of Comics (2016) #2
Comic Book History of Comics (2016) #2 Subscript
Insufferable: Home Field Advantage (2016) #3
Insufferable: Home Field Advantage (2016) #3 Subscript
Killer Inside Me (2016) #4
Killer Inside Me (2016) #4 Subscript
Mickey & Donald's Christmas Parade (2015) #2
Mickey & Donald's Christmas Parade (2015) #2 Subscript
Micronauts Volume 1: Entropy TPB (2016) #1
My Little Pony: Friends Forever (2013) #35
My Little Pony: Friends Forever (2013) #35 Incentive
My Little Pony: Friends Forever (2013) #35 Subscript
Optimus Prime (2016) #1
Optimus Prime (2016) #1 Inc A
Optimus Prime (2016) #1 Inc B
Optimus Prime (2016) #1 Inc C
Optimus Prime (2016) #1 Subscript A
Optimus Prime (2016) #1 Subscript B
Optimus Prime (2016) #1 Subscript C
Princess Bride: Storybook to Color TPB (2016) #1
Return of the Zombies HC (2016) #1
Star Trek: Boldly Go (2016) #3
Star Trek: Boldly Go (2016) #3 Inc A
Star Trek: Boldly Go (2016) #3 Inc B
Star Trek: Boldly Go (2016) #3 Subscript
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #65
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #65 Incentive
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #65 Subscript
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: New Animated Adv. Omnibus (2016) #2
Transformers: Lost Light (2016) #1
Transformers: Lost Light (2016) #1 Blank Cover
Transformers: Lost Light (2016) #1 Inc A
Transformers: Lost Light (2016) #1 Inc B
Transformers: Lost Light (2016) #1 Inc C
Transformers: Lost Light (2016) #1 Subscript A
Transformers: Lost Light (2016) #1 Subscript B
Transformers: Till All Are One TPB (2016) #1
Uncle Scrooge (2015) #21
Uncle Scrooge (2015) #21 Incentive
Uncle Scrooge (2015) #21 Subscript
Jet City Comics
Dominion: Last Sacrifice (2016) #3
Kenzer & Company
Knights of the Dinner Table #238
Attack on Titan: Before the Fall TPB (Kodansha) (Manga) (2014) #9
Lion Forge
Castoffs (2016) #3
Oni Press Inc.
Angel City (2016) #3
Invader Zim TPB (2015) #3
Mermin TPB (2016) #2
Panini Publishing Ltd.
Doctor Who Adventures Magazine (2015) #19
Doctor Who: Essential Guide Volume 9 - Invasion of Earth (2016) #1
Sanctum Books
Shadow Double Novel (2006) #112
Screem Publications
Screem Magazine #32
Screem Magazine #32 PX Edition
Screen Power Publishing
Scream Magazine (2011) #39
Love Stage TPB (2015) #6
Titan Distributing
Showman Killer HC (2015) #3
Star Trek Magazine (2006) #59
Star Trek Magazine (2006) #59 PX Edition
Udon Entertainment
Street Fighter Unlimited Annual (2016) #1 A Porter
Street Fighter Unlimited Annual (2016) #1 B Porter
Street Fighter Unlimited Annual (2016) #1 C Steinbac
United Plankton Pictures
Spongebob Comics (2011) #63
Valiant Comics
Britannia (2016) #4 A Nord
Britannia (2016) #4 B Gorham
Britannia (2016) #4 C Photo
Britannia (2016) #4 D Ryp
Britannia (2016) #4 E Guedes
Britannia (2016) #4 F Johnson
Wrath of the Eternal Warrior (2015) #14 A Segovia
Wrath of the Eternal Warrior (2015) #14 B Veregge
Wrath of the Eternal Warrior (2015) #14 C Photo
Wrath of the Eternal Warrior (2015) #14 D Barrionu
Viz Comics
Itsuwaribito TPB (2010) #19
Magi TPB (2013) #21
Zenescope Entertainment Inc
Cinderella: Serial Killer Princess (2016) #1 A Reyes
Cinderella: Serial Killer Princess (2016) #1 B Malsuni
Cinderella: Serial Killer Princess (2016) #1 C Salonga
Cinderella: Serial Killer Princess (2016) #1 D Chen
Grimm Fairy Tales: Van Helsing vs. Frankenstein (2016) #4 A
Grimm Fairy Tales: Van Helsing vs. Frankenstein (2016) #4 B
Grimm Fairy Tales: Van Helsing vs. Frankenstein (2016) #4 C
Grimm Fairy Tales: Van Helsing vs. Frankenstein (2016) #4 D
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