Comics Trade Paperback and
Hardback Sale This Weekend Only!


Chuck with just 1 of the
8,000 pieces of his
pottery collection

(click on image for larger view)
Today's newsletter is going out a little bit early, as I am off for the Great Southwestern Antiques Show in Albuquerque, NM at the crack of dawn on Friday. Since I've had several questions about why I haven't mentioned my pottery collection in a while, I thought I'd let you all in on the fact that I simply have not been buying many new pieces this year. I've been passing on buying more of my beloved Pueblo pottery mostly because I have been working exclusively in recent months buying great comics for our website. Not only have my seemingly endless road trips taken up most of my time, but I have also committed nearly all of the working capital that we've been generating this year at Mile High into paying for these wonderful comics collections. That commitment on my part has extended to the point where I've not even cashed the rent checks that I normally receive from Mile High Comics for the two of our warehouses that I (personally) own for several months. The math for me right now is pretty simple: no rent checks = no money for pottery. Sigh... But before you get the impression that I am complaining about this state of affairs, please do bear in mind that I am, and have always been, a dedicated pragmatist. With great comics collections being offered to us right now in unprecedented numbers, I feel very strongly that I would be incredibly remiss if I let them get away, especially to just to add more pretties into my own pottery collection. If our good fortune in being able to score such great deals on old comics means that my pottery buying for my own personal collection has to be on hold for a little while longer, then so be it. At the end of the day, I really don't mind...

All of the above having been said, why am I still heading for Albuquerque? Well, mostly because I am a hopelessly addicted collector. Even with my personal finances stretched right now, I just can't keep away from what is the best show of the year for my type of pottery collecting. I don't have much of a budget for buying at this year's show, but I have just enough set aside to make my trip worthwhile. I am also very eager to see my many friends from the Pueblo pottery world, many of whom I have not seen since August of last year. As crazy as it may sound, as the owner of the largest private Pueblo pottery collection in the country, I am nearly as well known in that collecting world, as I am in the world of comics. And besides, taking a couple of weeks to enjoy myself with my friends during August just doesn't seem like an unreasonable indulgence. I'll be back in the comics buying groove on August 28th (at the wonderful Baltimore Comic-Con), but in the meantime, I am going to have myself some great fun in New Mexico. Woo-ha!

While I am gone this weekend, I am going to have Lynne and Will put a great trade paperbacks and hardbacks sale into effect for you. As most of you are already aware, we took thousands of trades and hardbacks out to the San Diego convention this year. We also had a great many more books that we purchased for the show, but were unable to get graded and sorted in time. Josh has been diligently adding those books into our inventory, which has had the net effect of increasing our book inventory to unprecedented levels. Suffice it to say, our shelves are fully stocked right now, and groaning under the added weight of all those books. That being the case, it only made sense for me to offer all of you a chance to purchase some of these new additions at very near to our wholesale cost. That's why, effective immediately, all of our trade paperback and hardback books are available to you on our website at a minimum of 30% off, with a great many listed at 40%-50% off. This sale for you has to be of limited duration, however, as our books actually sell quite well for us to casual browsers of our website at the far lower discounts that we typically offer. That being the case, I am asking Lynne and Will to limit this sale for our newsletter readers to only five days, ending promptly next Wednesday morning, at 11 AM, Mountain Time. Please enjoy this great weekend book sale with my personal thanks for your continuing support of Mile High Comics!

Happy Collecting!

Chuck Rozanski,
President - Mile High Comics, Inc.
Advance Previews
of next weeks comics from
Archie Comics

PS: A quick reminder that our 30% off 40YEARS codeword is still in effect for you. You can use this codeword to purchase all of our back issue comics at a full 30% off, including all of the issues listed in New-In-Stock and Premium New-In-Stock (please keep in mind the codeword does not apply to new comics, Dallas Stephens comics, trade paperbacks, hard covers, graphic novels, statues, or supplies). You can also still combine books and back issue comics and magazines into a single purchase in order to reach our free shipping minimums of $50 for domestic orders, and $125 for International orders (no express carriers). Please do, however, take into account all discounts when figuring if you have reached the free shipping minimums, as we always find it very uncomfortable to need to reject someone's request for free shipping, simply because they haven't actually reached the required purchase amount on a net basis. We love to help out with free shipping, but we do need to ask that you please reach the required minimums after all discounts.

Bonus Book Listing

New $50.00 Level

$50 - CREEPY (MAGAZINE) (1964) #12 Fine/Very Fine Retail: $33.65 FREE!

$50 - EERIE MAGAZINE (1968) #7 Very Good/Fine Retail: $25.05 FREE!

New $20.00 Level

$20 - GI JOE #27 2nd Print Very Fine/Near Mint Retail: $3.30 FREE!


$20 - SPIDER-MAN (1963) #314 Fine/Very Fine Retail: $10.60 FREE!

Click here to view all the Free Bonus Book Giveaways

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